lördag 19 september 2009

A smoke free Europe by 2012 ?

Whether it's a T-bane station or a train station, entrances to hospitals, banks or universities -everywhere tobacco smoke is ubiquitous. People smoke as if they have got a license to pollute the environment. Latest newsletter (Sep 2009) from the European Commission's health and consumers directorate mentions about proposal of implementing strong laws towards creating a smoke-free Europe by 2012. Aim is "full protection" against environmental tobacco smoke. Comprehensive policy package which is proposed by the EC is indeed a  brilliant move though it has presented much later after environmental tobacco smoke was known for toxicity and harmful consequences for health. Fortunately, a wave of  public support exists now and appears to be a good time for this move.

However, the biggest question -how practicable is that going to be in terms of achievement of its intended goals ?

We are living in a world, where
... about one third of global male population smokes,
... on every eighth second, someone is dying from tobacco smoke
... ten million cigarettes are sold every minute
... one in every five teens smoke, and keeping in mind they would go on for next ten years at least means significant rise in smoking trend
... every year 79000 passive smokers, including 19000 non-smokers die only in EU